Shining Elephant

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There’s an old story that you’ve probably heard about an elephant that comes into a village of blind people and the villagers come out to find out more about what this thing is. Various ones start to feel about the animal and start to describe what it is like based on the part they touch- the tail, a leg, a tusk, the trunk etc.- definitively concluding that’s what the elephant is, based on what they have experienced.

What many people conclude about Jesus is done much the same way as this. Whatever they have or haven’t heard or read about him becomes their reality. Further, depending on who they want Him to be to serve their own agendas or feelings is what “Jesus” becomes to them.

The real Jesus and the real elephant are who they are though no matter anyone’s limited understanding or feelings. Having an accurate view of one will keep you from great physical harm and can lead to real benefit if you can harness its power. Knowing the other first hand will lead away from a dead end life and the experience of His power.

With the elephant this is done using our five physical senses together with experience, and with Jesus this is done with five heavenly senses that He loves to give people who ask, and experience.

We will go into those five heavenly senses in more depth in time to come but ponder for now yourself what those might be? Best yet, ask Him to tell you and then to give you them, because He loves to give everyone who wants, “eyes to see and ears to hear”.

The real Jesus came to “our village” in a human body at one time to show what His Father is truly like and now He comes constantly to our village to invite us to experientially know them. He is the shining elephant for all Who want to see Him with their new eyes.