Recently, in a flash of surprise, I found myself contemplating a word that I rarely think about and had never thought about in conjunction with Jesus before. In that flash I saw how really important the idea of respect is not only with regard to Jesus, but also for myself and others. It was something that I definitely needed to explore further and so I had to write myself a note to remember to do so (on the first thing that I could find to write on which was a piece of toilet paper 😊)

[That said, what does the word respect mean to you?]

Ironically also, right after that came the news about the passing of Aretha Franklin who had one of her signature songs, R-E-S-P-E-C-T which conveys the incredible desire for respect that we all have as human beings but unfortunately mis-focuses on demanding it.

First, below is the dictionary definition:

So what does this word stand for and what does it have to do with the subject of this blog which has to do with living our lives together with Jesus? 

Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

Is Jesus worthy of your/our respect?

In contemplating living completely under the care and co-laboring with Jesus it brings one to the stark decision, do I respect Him above all else or do I not? And, it causes us to want to get to the truth of who Jesus really is, if we are truly going to respect Him in this way.

Sadly, though there are many distortions out and about as to who Jesus is-merely a good man or a good teacher who came and went two thousand years ago, a fraud who was not who He said He was, a Santa Claus-type figure, a savior whose preoccupation was getting people into heaven only vs. One who died so that we might have a salvation that is a new kind of life right now and thru eternity, and many more.  Are any of these pseudo-Jesus’ the types of beings that you could completely respect and entrust your entire life to?

But what about the One (real) Jesus who created the universe and everything in it, Who decided to make Himself (God) truly knowable to us by taking on a human body then allowing Himself to be a sacrifice for our willful misalignment with Him, rising from the dead, and now ruling and reining in the kingdom that He invites all people to participate in with Him? This is the Jesus that is doing so many things in individual lives and throughout the whole world showing Himself to those who ask, “Jesus, what are you doing that I can join you in?”

[Is He worthy of your/our ultimate respect and, if so, how does that reality impact what we will think and feel and then outwardly behave and build right now?]

Hopefully these things that we are asking ourselves and others will have a great impact and you will live more fully with the life-giving and transforming respect that Jesus deserves as the most brilliant being ever. Please let me know in what ways you come to see and experience this?
